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This resources is in beta. The resource will look to receive more feedback from IOG and the community to make any corrections and improvements.

What is voting in Project Catalyst?

In each Project Catalyst funding round Ada holders are able to vote for which projects they want to be funded by the community. Collectively the total Ada from voters will decide which proposals will get funded. The proposals that get funded will influence how the Cardano ecosystem will evolve over time.

Why should I vote?

As a voter, you can influence the future development in the Cardano ecosystem. You will be part of the largest DAO and decentralized venture capital fund in the world.

Who should / can vote?

Every Ada holder that has at least 500 Ada in a wallet can use it to vote. Future funding rounds aim to have the minimum threshold decrease over time.

How can I vote?

For voting you can use a number of different wallets such as Yoroi, Daedalus or Adalite wallets. Within a given wallet you will need to register to vote before voting. You can check the most recent official post:https://www.reddit.com/r/cardano/comments/ofo1bz/fund_5_register_to_vote_all_you_need_to_know/ on all you need to know about voting.

What are the important dates & timelines?

The next voting phase will be announced via Telegram on the Project Catalyst Announcements Channel:https://t.me/cardanocatalyst. For current timelines of voting, you can look at this Catalyst calendar:https://projectcatalyst.org/calendar as well.

Related resources

All you need to know - Fund 6 Voting :https://www.reddit.com/r/cardano/comments/p2xpi8/project_catalyst_all_you_need_to_know_fund6_voter/

 Registration & Voting Guide :https://iohk.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/900005679386

 iOS Voting App : https://apps.apple.com/app/id1517473397

 Android Voting App : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.iohk.vitvoting

Project Catalyst Chat: https://t.me/ProjectCatalystChat


This content is from (https://projectcatalyst.org/resources/voter) and is included here so it can be translated.

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