2022 LOGO Gerolamo org Cardano WHITE G URL 395x75

Project Updates

19/12/2020 - GitHub Repo Startedhttps://github.com/carlhenryglobal/Gerolamo.org-Cardano-Worldwide-Community-Hubs/blob/main/README.md - Feel free to contribute, collaborate or ask questions.

16/12/2021 ASSESS QA (Quality Assurance) Stage

 Catalyst Timeline:

  • Dec 13 @ 18:00 UTC - CA Workshop (community)
  • Dec 14 @ 18:00 UTC - vCA Workshop (community)
  • Dec 15 @ 18:00 UTC - TOWN HALL (last town hall of 2021)
  • Dec 16 @ 17:00 UTC - end of CA assessments
  • Dec 16 @ 18:00 UTC - vCA Workshop (community)
  • Dec 17 @ during the day - start of proposer flagging - ±5 days (start email)
  • Dec 17 @ during the day - vCA call to action general email
  • Dec 17 @ 18:00 UTC - vCA Workshop (community)
  • Dec 18 @ 3PM UTC - IdeaFest Fund7 - part 1
  • Dec 19 @ 3PM UTC - IdeaFest Fund7 - part 2
  • Dec 22 @ 11:00 UTC - end of proposer flagging (reminder email day prior)
  • Dec 22 @ 18:00 UTC - TOWN HALL - CANCELLED
  • Dec 23, 2021 @ during the day - start of vCA reviews - ±14 days (start email)
  • Dec 28 @ 18:00 UTC - Coordinator bi-weekly - CANCELLED
  • Dec 29, 2021 @ 18:00 UTC - TOWN HALL - CANCELLED
  • Jan 5 @ 18:00 UTC - TOWN HALL
  • Jan 7, 2022 @ 11:00 UTC - end of vCA reviews (reminder email day prior)
  • Jan 7 - 12 - aggregation/validation of vCA results and editing rankings, flash assessments (if needed)
  • Jan 12 @ 18:00 UTC - TOWN HALL
  • Jan 13 @ 11:00 UTC - Governance stage - Vote begins

Link to Update document: Click Here.

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