2022 LOGO Gerolamo org Cardano WHITE G URL 395x75

Introduction for the page

The idea of developing Cardano Community Hubs has become evermore popular as an overall concept, we have taking a deep dive into this area of operation on behalf of the Cardano community at large.

Establishing and building Cardano Community Hubs is one sure-fire way of attracting new people, organisations and businesses into the Cardano ecosystem to use all of the tools being built within it.

As we have approached this task, of building Cardano Community Hubs worldwide, we have realised how little preparation and research has gone into achieving this objective.

Therefore, as part of our proposals through project catalyst to scale up Cardano Community Hubs we have conducted various research campaigns in order to achieve this overall goal in the most efficient and effective way possible.

One of the ways that we have attempted to understand the worldwide market has been to establish a wide range of statistical data to show us where the needs are, where the majority of people are that can be approached, what types of equipment can we communicate with them on and in which languages.

You will see the results of this research below in the various sections:


Languages by continents

One of the first tasks we did was to identify which languages were spoken on each of the major continents, we then proceeded to ensure that on our websites (https://cardanocommunityhubs.com/ & https://gerolamo.org/) all the content could be translated and read in each of these languages.


Countries - Capital Cities - Spoken Languages

We feel that it is very important for us to focus efforts on the capital cities of each country in the world and to be aware of the languages required for each of the capital cities, you will find them broken down in an A to Z format on the following pages.

Worlds Capital Cities Ranked by Population

We also wanted to know where the biggest demand may be in terms of the population in each capital city, in the linked page you will see capital cities ranked by the population size.

Cell Phones By Country

One of the primary ways that people communicate, and even conduct financial transactions, in developing countries is by basic cell phones, therefore it's important to know and understand the spread and number of basic cell phones distributed through the various countries. One of the reasons for this is for us to tailor our approach and technology to cater for this type of mobile phone which requires very basic functionality to be effective.

Smartphones By Countries

Smart phones give us a wider range of opportunity to communicate with the owners of these pocket computers, we looked into the numbers of smart phones, and the locations where they are the most popular, to discover where we might employ more complicated technology and sophisticated marketing methods.

Computers By Countries

Some people only access the Internet through a traditional laptop or desktop computer, of course this may be combined with the use of a smartphone or basic cell phone, but we wanted to establish the numbers of people who have access to full size screens as this once again affects the display and content to be employed in our marketing and outreach.

Languages CIA Priorities 66%

The American CIA has an incredibly detailed research department and we thought it was worth including here to see which languages they saw as the most important around the world.

Languages By Population

These statistics are of general use in terms of knowing our reach in each language, We believe that while this gives a guide in terms of potential prioritisation of languages the previous statistics are possibly more useful as they allow us to geographically target our marketing messages.

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